Child Protection Codes V1.0 July 2012

This is the latest stage of continuing development on how child maltreatment and safeguarding processes should be recorded in GP system records.

SCIMP recommends these Read codes to support the sharing of data where appropriate, and the structuring of our own records for better use.

The codes in Red align with the items in the Royal College of General Practitioners –  Safeguarding Children Tookit

This recent publication in the BJGP addresses some of the issues: “A simple approach to improve recording of concerns about child maltreatment in primary care records: developing a quality improvement intervention.”

Specifically the use of code 13If “Child is cause for concern” is recommended for wide use.

When safeguarding processes are no longer required it as equally important to terminate their recorded status, so for example code 133d “Child no longer cause for concern”  should similarly be in wide use.

SCIMP recommends, in line with good practice, that the earlier code is not deleted, but that an updated entry is added.

This SCIMP list includes those relevant terminating codes that currently exist, and will be updated with other codes, and with further advice on their use.

The SCIMP list will be updated as required with other codes, and with further advice on their use.